Multiple aileron servos and elevator servos

Just received my HK Pilot Mega 2.7, and here I see where to connect the inputs and outputs but I only see the possibility to connect one aileron and one elevator on the input and output, can someone tell me if I can use two inputs for aileron and two for elevators, the same for the outputs, other wise I can’t use this, its for an aerobat.

Thanks in advance

Have you read this part of the ArduPlane Wiki concerning elevons ?

Have you read this part of the ArduPlane Wiki concerning elevons ?
TCIII GM[/quote]
Thanks for our input, I just looked at it but correct me if I am wrong, this is for elevons , what I am after is a two aileron servo and two elevator servo aerobatic airplane, and all I want to do is a stabilization from the Mega controller is this possible


Usually the aileron servos in each wing work mechanically opposite of each other with the same servo input signal.
So I use a Y splitter on the output of the Pixhawk on the aileron channel to run both wing aileron servos.

As for having separate elevator servos, that is very interesting.
If each elevator servo moves in the same direction with the same servo input, then you could use a Y splitter in this case or a servo reverser on one elevator servo if it needs to move opposite of the other elevator servo.

You can have as many elevators, ailerons as you want, on different outputs, with their own reversing, Min, Max, middle PWM. Just check out RC*_FUNCTION parameter.
What I did not understand, was what you wrote about multiple inputs ? Did you really mean to use multiple RC input channels for for example ailerons ?

I have the same issue. I have looked at a few flight controllers and some offer only one aileron input and output. All my models, including my little foamies, use two channels for aileron, so I can program in differential and flaperons. Clearly I would lose those options using a flight controller with only one aileron in and out.
I’ve only just started looking at APM/Ardupilot, so know nothing about them, but there are eight inputs and outputs, so I’m assuming that I can assign two separate channels for ailerons. The question only remains whether the flight controller can be programmed to use both aileron channels in UAV mode. From my brief reading in the forums, it seems it can be.
It’s a steep learning curve!

I am not sure why, but it seems you both wish more aileron inputs ?

  • you don’t needs more inputs, one stick, one input, just let arduplane do more outputs if needed.

Maybe you don’t require more than one aileron but some people require that they mix ailerons with flaps or ailerons with Elevator or even a combination of both for their style of flying but still only want the ailerons to move when the APM wants to make adjustments due to wind etc

When someone asks a question if you do not have a answer relevant to the question then do not answer just putting down that You do not understand why someone would want them does not help in any way.

That was an historically bad 1’st post for you (I hope)

The unanswered question here is why would anyone use more than one input channel to control ailerons, while the AP can perfectly well output correct PWM’s to each aileron based on one input channel.

Having x functions on radio , require only 1 channels per function to be sent to UAV, regardless of how many ailerons, flaps, speedbrakes and elevators you have.

I’ve been trying to do the same thing. I have 2 servos for my ailerons and 2 servos from my elevators. This link seams to help with the aileron issue: … ilerons-3/

But I haven’t been able to get that to work for the elevators outside of manual mode.

As for the reason you would want 2 inputs for ailerons and/or elevators, so you can trim each servo from the radio instead of from the mission planner. If you only have one input for each axis then you can’t trim both servos independently.

Ok, I see you reason.
Yes, you can trim each servo.
Let’s say your left aileron is on rc1 as usual, and servo 1, these two should be set up in the usual way, using transmitter PWM output offset and limits. - (while in manual mode).
Then you configure right aileron, set RC5_FUNCTION=4 (aileron) then you tweak rc5_min, max, revers if needed, to give the same amount of throw (measured on edge of control surface) as left aileron while left - then you configure rc5_trim.

Same goes for all extra surfaces you have. - so you can trim/reverse/center each and every surface, to do symmetric and/or inverse-symmetric movement. - regardless of difference in servo offsets etc.

And this will work in all modes, however, if people just connect aileron to rc10, and configure rc10 to output ch10 from transmitter, the AP cannot know, and will not use that for aileron in stabilized modes.

Hi Andre,
Yes I could have worded it better, on my plane I am in the process of setting up at the moment and just like the original post wanted I want to have two inputs and two outputs for the ailerons if I only have one input from my transmitter to the APM then it will not allow me to mix ailerons and flaps or to use ailerons as flaps or flaperons (not spelt correct but thats a problem for me) and if we only have one input from the transmitter to the APM how do we get the ailerons to behave like flaps? on the APM flight controller there are 8 inputs unless you use a sum receiver which can then give up to 24 but even with the 8 what would people want to control beyond the basic flight controls via the APM board? I know many people want to switch lights drop bombs turn on sound effects etc but all of them could be done direct from the receiver and not via the flight controller.

when I read your reply it was just the way you replied that why bother no one would need it so its not worth replying with a answer that could help the person who wrote it.
by the way that was not my first post but my old account went away with the moving dust and dead computer.

Regards Poppy Ann.

check out FLAPERON_OUTPUT , if you want Arduplane to mix ailerons to flaps, it can do that.

"what would people want to control beyond the basic flight controls via the APM board?"
Well , I have upgraded the planes to Pixhawk over a year ago, but here’s a standard config that illustrates where my input radio channels go, and why I am conservative using them.
I fly graupner MX-20 , (12channel) - and yes, some of the extra controls could very well be moved to mavlink for control from GCS only.

5 mode
6flaps (not only autoflaps, can set it manually for consistent approach)
7 video source selector
8 OSD overlay control
9 camera control (for manual control of modes , and FLIR color mode switching) - trigging is done by AP
10 camera docking (for landing)
11 camera zoom
12 manual override of chute/(forced landing).

[quote=“PoppyAnn”]Hi Andre,
Yes I could have worded it better, on my plane I am in the process of setting up at the moment and just like the original post wanted I want to have two inputs and two outputs for the ailerons if I only have one input from my transmitter to the APM then it will not allow me to mix ailerons and flaps or to use ailerons as flaps or flaperons (not spelt correct but thats a problem for me) and if we only have one input from the transmitter to the APM how do we get the ailerons to behave like flaps? on the APM flight controller there are 8 inputs unless you use a sum receiver which can then give up to 24 but even with the 8 what would people want to control beyond the basic flight controls via the APM board? I know many people want to switch lights drop bombs turn on sound effects etc but all of them could be done direct from the receiver and not via the flight controller.

when I read your reply it was just the way you replied that why bother no one would need it so its not worth replying with a answer that could help the person who wrote it.
by the way that was not my first post but my old account went away with the moving dust and dead computer.

Regards Poppy Ann.[/quote]

If you follow the instructions in the link I posted in this thread earlier for using multiple ailerons it will do what you’re looking for in manual flight mode. I used that page to setup my ailerons and elevators, each has 2 servos. I have mixes on my radio for elevons, flaperons, and 4x4. By setting the secondary channel to aileron (or elevator) with control input, it will allow your board to control the servo accordingly.