MSP protocol support

Another thought - if 4.1-DEV is a branch of a stable build, then the only issues might be with the OSD elements, and that the flight modes and stabilisation would be reliable. I’m an experienced pilot and used to FPV with FCs, so confident enough to give it a go, if all I have to worry about is the OSD.

@Brian, since you are testing Arduplane 4.1.0 and I am assuming that you have either the Ocusync or FPV air unit hooked up to F765, can you test the SBus and see if the modes are changing on the MP as you toggle switches and sticks? Also, can move servos without throttling up?
I tested Ocusync SBus output with F765 and notice that the sticks where not responding till I move throttle to mid position (Typical of DJI drones). Test was done on 4.0.7.


@RizHass: You bet. Happy to help. Here are testing notes:

  1. From Mission Planner, I went to Setup and installed the firmware version in the screenshot below. Note that the firmware URL indicates “latest” rather than 4.1.0, so you may want to confirm I’ve installed the correct version. I assume it actually downloads the selected version (4.1.0 DEV)?


  1. Per instructions from yappu, I set the following for the serial port connected to the DJI FPV air unit (SERIAL5).


I loaded the example params here

DJI OSD is also enabled: in SETTINGS->DISPLAY->CUSTOM OSD menu of goggles.

I did not see instructions related to baud rate. The baud rate is set to 115.

  1. As reported before, the OSD on the DJI FPV headset is not working with this firmware. I am confident the serial lines are wired correctly since it worked when I previously loaded yaapu’s 0.7 firmware (

  2. However, I do have Yaapu GCS telemetry working with the Frsky X12S transmitter and Frysky R-XSR, so I can test flight mode display that way.

  3. “can you test the SBus and see if the modes are changing on the MP as you toggle switches and sticks?”

Yes, although DJI FPV OSD is not working, I can confirm that the correct flight modes are displayed on the Frysky transmitter GCS screen, and that flipping the switches on the transmitter does change the flight mode as expected.

  1. “Also, can move servos without throttling up?”

Yes, once the transmitter and receiver are connected, I can move the elevator stick and a servo connected to S2 responds without arming or increasing the throttle.

So, yes I can move servo S2 without throttling up.

Is it possible to use the OSD on Byte Frost Vtx with either Ardu or PX4?

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Hi Ian

I am using the same flight controller as you. CUAV V5 PLUS. How do you connect the dji fpv air unit to the CUAV V5+? Are you using the external osd or direct connect it to tx rx and ground ( V5+ is not having any internal osd chip)
If possible, would you take some wiring photos? I so appreciate your help

Hi Devin.
Could you solve the osd on F405 wing. I have the same FC. Which fw version of ardupilot have you used for MSP, dev or 4.0.7 stable?

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…dev for sure, MSP support is only in curent master!

Thanks Alex.
i have an f405 wing FC with 4.0.6 stable arduplane fw. This will be my first setup with DJI FPV system. Based on your reply i had to use a dev version (4.1.0 e.g?) for MSP dji protocol?
Do i need to upload any other file on the FC to make this work? I mean do i had to use the apj file from the assets for f405 or i can use it only with 4.1.0 dev FW ?
Sorry im noob regarding the purpose of the apj files .

use this firmware if your board already has ardupilot on it

if it came with another firmware like betaflight or inav you need to boot it in DFU mode and flash this one

no need for extra files, all configuration is done using a GCS like MissionPLanner, QGC or mavproxy

Thanks again.
Its clear now… i will go that fw file you ve linked…and give a feedback with my results :+1::wink:

Thanks for help and useful information i ve now a working OSD with matek F405👍…i ve setup serial protocol 33 …osd type 3, msp option 0, on 4.1.0 dev. But i have two question regarding osd elements. I dont know how should be Home Direction look like…its a number only in degrees between 0-360 or it is a real graphical arrow like on my example picture on the left down side.
Now i see only a space line like this character “_” at home direction element.
Or i need to have a gps 3d fix to see the home direction arrow?
The other issue that my used current maH jumped to 20000mah or whatever…its a bug or it can be reseted somehow or just need restart the FC to count the current normaly?
I d really appreciate if anyone can upload a picture or video with a working home direction arrow or degree.
Also i would like to see the flight modes…if i understand it well it can be displayed in the "Message"osd element?

@yaapu the ardupilot wiki seems to conflict with your directions up top on serial protocol. It says to use 33 for DJI goggles, I assume it’s out of date or incorrect.

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correct protocol is 33, used to be different before being merged into master.

Awesome, thanks for the info!

@yaapu Hey Alex, when I change flight modes I’m not getting the scrolling notification where I get OSD messages, or any static flight mode notification. Has that changed?

Using arduplane 4.1.0 dev on a matek f405 CTR. I get throttle armed and other status stuff but not flight mode when I change modes.

Param file attached:newGoblin_arduplane_DJI_122020.param (18.9 KB)

no that has not changed, your the first to report it.
Tried your parameters on the sim and is looking fine (except for a couple widgets on the far right)

so it’s not a parameter’s issue

Hmmm, could it be something with my specific flight controller? I had another thread asking about being able to switch back to EKF2 from EKF3 since I don’t have a compass. Someone mentioned the memory limitation on my board being 1MB. I have a friend with an omnibusf4pro, I’ll ask him if he is getting the same behavior.

He says he also has no flight mode in the message bar with his omnibus

I have same issue with message rolling text, i see only the armed disarmed message and some initial boot up message from.the matek F405 FC , but no flight mode appear even if i change then by the radio…no manual, no fwba, no stab no auto mode appears unfortunately.
Any idea how to solve this?

Hi, I do have an omnibus and will try to reproduce your issue later today