I have seen that MP can redirect packets. This is an example of three instances of MP running on connected by UDP to three drones: ·3172-> (14552/14553) ·13024-> (14556/14557 ·3212-> (14564/14565)
with three UDP redirections to (respectively 14572/61296, 14576/61297, 14584/63014).
(MP 5704 running on with UDP connection to (14552/14553) and TCP redirection to (14550/50888), which BTW is a Mac with QGC that connects but has problems in getting all parameters).
Then I connect another instance of MP (2344) to a second drone:
So better connect on client ( on a single MP instance and use a connection list: ·2428 TCP 1 (14552/50148) ·2428 TCP 3 (14556/50147) ·2428 TCP 7 (14564/50146)
But I prefer three MP instances and assign a different voice to each, since then in the field I can hear clearly what is happening with each drone, in addition to {sysid}: