MP multiple TCP redirection: how?


I have seen that MP can redirect packets. This is an example of three instances of MP running on connected by UDP to three drones:
·3172-> (14552/14553)
·13024-> (14556/14557
·3212-> (14564/14565)
with three UDP redirections to (respectively 14572/61296, 14576/61297, 14584/63014).

If wanting to do the same by TCP (Control+F, Mavlink) it seems that host port is fixed (14550 (not used above)):

So starting with one drone I do the redirection:

(MP 5704 running on with UDP connection to (14552/14553) and TCP redirection to (14550/50888), which BTW is a Mac with QGC that connects but has problems in getting all parameters).

Then I connect another instance of MP (2344) to a second drone:

( 14556/14557)
and repeat (Control+F, Mavlink) TCP-14550. Pressing Connect button it seems to think forever.

Is this the correct procedure for multiple TCP redirection?

MP build 1.3.7170.2232

With MP build 1.3.7222.17688 TCP multiple forwarding works. Great!

This is the host ( with UPD connections and TCP forwarding (three MP instances):
·7784 UDP 1 ( 14552/14553) -> TCP (14552/50069)
·8196 UDP 3 ( 14556/14557) -> TCP (14556/50078)
·4780 UDP 7 ( 14564/14565) -> TCP (14564/50086)

This is the client ( with three MP instances:
·6132 TCP 1 (14552/50069)
·5556 TCP 3 (14556/50078)
·6064 TCP 7 (14564/50086)

The indication about remote address is confusing. On the router used:

The MP instances seem blocked receiving data:

but cancelling seems to do no harm.

So better connect on client ( on a single MP instance and use a connection list:
·2428 TCP 1 (14552/50148)
·2428 TCP 3 (14556/50147)
·2428 TCP 7 (14564/50146)

This is a capture of the three drones on the client in action:

you do know you can connect to multiple drones from one missionplanner? on different links?

I suppose you mean one single MP instance connecting to several drones:

Is it so?

But I prefer three MP instances and assign a different voice to each, since then in the field I can hear clearly what is happening with each drone, in addition to {sysid}:

Thanks for the great work you are doing.