MP .msi Install skipping Driver Install

I am installing Mission Planner and for some reason it skips the driver install entirely. I am used to the warning popping up for the drivers but this time it skips it entirely. Everything I need is in the Drivers folder though, correct? For 3DR radios and such?


the 3dr radio drive is no included, as these use drivers available via windows update.
the drivers do include pixhawk drivers though

Okay. It used to install all the drivers, is that not a thing anymore? It works on another machine I figured it was settings on this new pc.

Thanks for the response.

I had a quick look, and looks like the latest msi is missing the driver installer, the drivers are included, they are just not installed.

I sure did like that driver installer. Can we bring it back please?

I will, but as a work around please install 1.3.38, then do an autoupdate.

Alright I’ll do that. Cheers Michael!

I just updated the 1.3.39 msi to include the driver installer

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