I cannot write this mission to the copter. … looks like every survey mission i want to write
sgot this message. thx for help !!
first update your missionplanner version.
and then I need more information.
what hardware, and software versions
the error message is saying the is a communication error.
Hi, I am wondering if this issue was resolved because I am having the same issue which popped up yesterday. I ended up having to use APMPlanner2 to get my waypoints/mission on the copter. I am running Copter V3.5.7 and Mission Planner V 1.3.62. This seemed to pop up when I updated to 1.3.62 so I installed 1.3.61 and I still have the same issue. Everything else works in Mission Planner and I can still download the flight data through it but I get this warning that it timed out when writing the waypoints. I have tried through radio and hardwired with the same results. Thank you for your help.
can you please provide the tlog of the failure? and the APMplanner log as well if you can.
First of all thank you Michael for the awesome program you have developed and continue to advance. I am sorry but i am not sure how to do that. I am connecting to APM and then load a mission and try to write it to the board but it gives me the errors above. It is creating a tlog of that process? if so how do i receive for you. Thank you.
Here is a link for tlogs on mission planner. I am running winodws and my logs are usually saved under My Documents/mission planner/logs/(Fixed_wing,Quadrotor…). For APM Planner check on the config/tuning tab where you have your tlogs saved to
. I believe both MP and APM planner should save logs by date and time.MRC87, thank you for your reply. I should have known this as i use the log after every flight to georeference my images. I just was not aware that it created a log whenever you connect. Anyway please use this link to access the logs from both MP and APMplanner. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z7IJwLZTTpa_2g5cliYvgdjCWzB1POMw?usp=sharing
Let me know if you need anything further.
I’m having exactly the same error… To make it work i have to read an old mission from plane or copter (tested both) an then send the new mission…
I haven’t tried that but I will give it a shot. Thank you for the work around. I have still been using APM planner which is cumbersome.
Hi guys… I found out a way to solve my problem and can be usefull for you too…
My Mission Planner is the latest version and the Firmware from Copter isn’t… After a firmware update on my copter everything works well…
Thank you
MP os latest stable Version
I have Sololink wifi connection. last versions Copter and Missionplanner Checked. Same error…
As soon i reduce the size of the mission it worked…sometimes. ! but this cannot be
a solution…
can you please provide a tlog?
also try reformatting the sd card
2019_01_12_ErrorWaypoints.zip (69.8 KB)
Hi Michael,
This is a t.log and a waypoint mission from another connection setup ( 433Mhz SikRadios), but same error message.
Last MP stable, AC 3.6.0, chibiOS
Is there a way/command to format the SD Card when its inside the Cube ?
THx !!
Caca_Nakagi, my copter was not updated to the newest firmware version when i thought it was. I feel a bit stupid now for not checking that first. Thank you for the suggestion anyway.
I checked to use the latest version, but it did not resolve the problem constantly. The connection via USB on other PH System works in most cases or reducing/changing some parameters in the wp mission…i dont feel its solved…
please try doing a wp receive first, and then send. there apears to be a problem with almost all the ardu* releases regarding this at the moment.
THX Michael,
we will try this now
Hi Michael,
I am sorry to inform you that the problem occurs again. No matter what kind of connection ( 433Mhz or USB ) i used to transfer the mission. …unexpected error…
Waypoint Missions over ca 500 photos are critical to transfer, below 500 photos it worked 9 of 10 transfers…
Cause i had some scanning jobs to do, i tried QGC and it worked very well for this… in both directions. uploading and downloading to the uav seems to be faster than on MP , too.
thx !
please provide a tlog with the issue
hi Michael,
here is a testmission log:
and the wp mission: