MP does not see GPS

MP 1.3.70 Pixhawk 2.4.8
M8N GPS Module with compass
MP finds and calibrates both the internal and external compasses
Mission Planner says “GPS: NO GPS”
Blue light flashing on Pixhawk - Blue light flashing on bottom of GPS - no red light on top
MP and Pixhawk have clear view of sky
Handheld GPS finds 11 satellites in 3 minutes
Mission Planner - no satellites after 2 hours

Is the GPS portion of the Module faulty?

Aerdupilot did not detect the GPS receiver. Check your connections and your parameters

Yeah, it would help a lot if I had not been consistently plugging the GPS into the Serial connector instead of the GPS connector on the Pixhawk. When I plugged the GPS into the proper port, the 3D Fix message was almost instantaneous.

Thanks for the help!