MP 1.3.79 log browser: y-axis scaling issue

Previously, the scaling of the y-axis in the log browser was adjusted to the respective parameter. If there were several parameters, there were usually several y-axes. Since 1.3.79 there is only one y-axis, so some parameters can no longer be displayed in a meaningful way.

Here are two examples for 1.3.77

and 1.3.79

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Plotting the 2nd range on the 2nd Y-axis might work for you.

Thanks, you meen this way, right?

But with more than two parameters it wouldn’t work well.I would prefer the way of presentation in 1.3.77

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Yes but as you say it won’t be suitable for multiple ranges unless they are similar in magnitude.

Does anyone know where is the new NTUN under the latest flight log or MP version?
My LOG_BITMASK,180222 so NTUN logging is turned on.


PSCx (D/E/N)

Is there a new interpretation approach to the FFT from the log for the IMU Batch? I mean from the same old bin log file, before 1.3.79 MP it was a positive spike but under 1.3.79 MP, it all becomes negative. Did anyone notice that or do I have to configure the MP?

Simply check the small Magnitude box in the lower left corner before selecting the log.

oh, thank you so much.

[wrong thread wrong thread sorry]

Do you know why this change was made? Having multiple different y-axis scales is pretty useful.

Agree totally…removing Y axis scales was absurd in my opinion, reason?? “Multiple X Axis” is a poor hack. Any chance this can be restored? TU.


Quite awhile ago.

Why, not when, is the question…