MP 1.3.75 Update

While updating MP on my RPI I noticed there’s a new stable version of MP 1.3.75. A couple of my drones are on 4.1 Beta (plane and copter) but the rest are on stable versions. Should I keep using the MP Beta version for those can I safely update all my installs of MP to 1.3.75?

I updated to 1.3.75 and then continued on with the normal “Install latest Beta” everyday after that. All is well.

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Let the updates begin!

Given how important MP is to everything I’m surprised there wasn’t any post about a version update. Or did I just miss it?

The Changelog just updated today. As usual with 100’s of updates that have been dribbling in to Beta for months. I still say there should be a big scrolling banner message here across the top of the screen “Update to Latest Beta before posting” :smiley:


We could start a drinking game with all the good ones:

  • Update MP
  • Follow the tuning instructions FIRST
  • Fix your C of G
  • Read the wiki

Winner would get … a hangover?
