MP 1.3.26 crash on Parallels VM

Hi Michael.

On a Parallels Virtual Machine running Windows 7-64 (VM has 4GB RAM and 2 CPU’s) I use to run MP until now.

I got the error pictured below so I removed MP and redownloaded and reinstalled and the same thing happens.

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 01.23.52.png[/attachment]

Any hints on where to start debugging ??

Previous versions worked fine.



please confirm you have the directx redist installed, also .net 4.0.

Yes to both.

Virtual Machine is completely updated and is only used for MP.

It was working before with 1.3.25

do you get beta updates? just discovered a bug, and have released MP 1.3.27

On this computer, I try to keep on release versions.

So I assume I should go to the beta track ??


1.3.27 sorted the crash.

