Mp 1.2.93

I just upgraded to MP 1.2.93. It may be just me but now the RxRSSI reads to 7 significant digits and the Bat Used does the same. :astonished: Needless to say, this blows away a lot of the HUD real estate.
If it is not a bug, how to fix?
Also, when playing back tlog and paused, the HUD bounces around and banks left to right.

this will be changed back to 2 in the next version.

May I make a humble suggestion?
Battery used needs to be only in units, nothing to the right of the decimal point.
rxrssi needs only 1 significant digit to the right of the decimal point.
Making these changes would help de-clutter the HUD.
Thanks for listening,


May I make a humble suggestion?
Battery used needs to be only in units, nothing to the right of the decimal point.
rxrssi needs only 1 significant digit to the right of the decimal point.
Making these changes would help de-clutter the HUD.
Thanks for listening,

You should post this on GitHub so it can be tracked.

May I make a humble suggestion?
Battery used needs to be only in units, nothing to the right of the decimal point.
rxrssi needs only 1 significant digit to the right of the decimal point.
Making these changes would help de-clutter the HUD.
Thanks for listening,

You should post this on GitHub so it can be tracked.[/quote]

Hmmmā€¦there are so many issues there that I am doubtful it will get tracked. None the less, I posted there too.

Yes, itā€™s daunting. However Michael is actually very good about getting through the list. Iā€™ve had a bunch of my suggestions incorporated into MP via GitHub.
Actually I have a bunch more saved up from my last batch of missions that I will be posting soon. Yours was one of them, thatā€™s why I asked you to post it so I donā€™t look so needy :wink:

I would really like to see that HUD less cluttered. One of my requests which hasnā€™t been implemented yet is to make the User Items on the HUD movable so we can place them where we want them. I would also like to be able to remove some of the default HUD items to declutter.

These are small things however, I know Michael has more important work to do.

Well 1.2.94 is out and the 7 digits to the right of the decimal is fixed but my other suggestion is not. That is, please change the Battery Used to 0 to the right of the decimal aka no decimal and change the RxRSSI to only 1 digit to the right of the decimal. Anything more and people are dreaming that there is significant data there. Why, it helps de-cluter the HUD.
Thanks in advance,