Hey guys, I have a quadcopter setup with APM 2.5, all the calibrations and firmware updates worked well with mission planner everything seems to be fine, but whenever I power up my drone through battery 3 out of 4 motors beep continuously like one beep per second(motor no. 2, 3 and 4) and when I connect my transmitter they start beeping rapidly (maybe 2 to 3 beeps per second). When armed the motor no 1 works perfectly however the other three motors keep on beeping rapidly. I have calibrated the escs 2 times and they do work during the calibration(manual calibration). So I think it’s not an hardware issue. Still I would like to confirm it. Please help as soon as possible.
ESCs beeping on power up usually means they aren’t getting a PWM signal, so could be a configuration issue, or hardware. Hard to say. Problem is the 2.5 is almost as old as dirt and running outdated firmware. Not too many around here that are going to be able to help much.
Thanx for you help and Yeah you are right. I calibrated the escs with the flight controller (all at once) and then lowered the max throttle value in mission planner. But then I found out the real problem…one of these escs has different colour coded wires (though all of them are of same company). So I tried manually calliberating it and it was successful. However that motor (ig due to the esc) require higher amount of minimum throttle than the other three(having the same coloured wires). So this motor having “technically different” esc is not generating the same amount of thrust as the other three. Is there any solution to this or do I need to replace that “technically different” esc ?
I’m not sure I follow completely, but if it’s only different by one or two percent when setting the MOT_SPIN_ARM and _MIN then that’s probably going to be okay. If it’s more then that’s going to be an issue.
I already did which resulted in this. Then I calibrated that one esc individually by connecting it directly to channel 3 of receiver and now the gap is like 3 and 6(or 7)%. Any suggestions? Or should I replace the esc ?
I think the earlier comment by John was valid, have you checked that all the motors are on the correct outputs? They are called servo outputs even though they’re motors.
There is the “manual ESC by ESC” calibration method. You might want to re-do all four this way so they are getting the same starting point.
If I manually calibrate all the four escs one by one then, the three motors having the same type of esc do not work at all and beep continuously while the the one having white black and red wire works.
Also could you please clarify by what you mean by checking the servo outputs ? Do you simply mean motor 1 to output numbered 1 on fc, 2 on output numbered 2 and so on ? If this is the case then yes they are in the correct order
An Update:- I tried swapping motors of the different esc with normal esc and that motor which was on the “technically different” esc worked well on the other esc whereas the motor which was previously connected to the normal esc didn’t work normally on connecting to that different esc. I think this test confirms that the fault is in that different esc and not in the motor or the fc. What do you think ?