Motor test throttle 5% some motors won't spin

When I start Motor test process at 5% throttle some motrs spin in my hexacopter. but some motors won’t spin and the only have the beep sound. why is this happening ?.

at the first take off My drone I went through the motor test and this was happen
please help

Check the wiring on all motors.

Increase the value in 1% steps until all motors spin.

most motors aren’t the same, so the input need to make them start spining isn’t the same. That is specially visible on random brand motors.

Just raise the % until you find the value that start all. It also depends on temperature. The lower it is, the higher you need to adjust the %


When you do find the value that makes them all spin, reliably every time - you set that as MOT_SPIN_ARM
So if that value is 8% in motor test, you set 0.08 in MOT_SPIN_ARM.
Then you would add 0.03 to that and set MOT_SPIN_MIN, 0.11 for example.


I have the same problem, too. All of the motors will not spin until I increase the throttle to 20%. Is that right?


What is your MOT_PWM_MIN and MOT_PWM_MAX?
You should change those according to the ESC manufacturer specs, before playing with Motor Test.

This is something that is clearly specified in the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator (first configure the ESC, and only after perform the Motor Test)

The Motor Test is independent of the MOT_PWM_MIN/MAX parameters AFAIK. It’s lower level pass thru.

No, it has to be relative to the _MIN _MAX parameters. It might be relative to SERVOx_MIN SERVOx_MAX, but it does need a reference.

Yes, you are right. I was thinking of the MOT_SPIN parameters.


I used the default values.

Your ESC probably expects other values (narrower range)

What ESC are you using?

XRotor 40A by HOBBYWING.

First calibrate the RC receiver.
Then follow Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) Calibration — Copter documentation
And only after that perform a motor test.

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Yes. I have calibrated RC receiver and ESC calibration- manual ESC-by-ESC Calibration.

Then the 20% are correct. Do all 4 motors require 20%?

Yes, all 4 motors require 20%.
However, the motor will spin when give a small amount of throttle of RC transmitter in manual ESC calibration-the ESC was connected to the receiver directly.