Motor stuttering when running motor test in Arducopter

Hi guys,

While running motor tests for one of my motors (three other works fine), the motor is stuttering, changing direction mid test, changing speed etc. I’ve made a quick video/short here on YT: link

Would could be wrong here?

Matek F405 HDTE FC
Aikon AK32 4-in-1 35A ESC
SunnySky V2216 800 KV Motor

What dshot protocol? Set it to 600 if its not already.

Bad connection in one of the 3 motor wires?
What happens if you give it a slightly higher percentage for the test?

Motor stuttering is usually a bad connection on one or more of the three wires between it and the ESC. Probably a solder connection in one of the bullet connectors (if used), though it could be an actual break in a wire inside the motor.

Before changing any parameters, check by swapping motors to see if the problem persists.

You are not using Oneshot are you?

Trying to replace the motor now. Also perhaps suspecting a bad solder job. Not a bullet connector though, as I’m using a 4in1 ESC (and they don’t come with bullet connectors sadly).

Nothing sad about that, it’s a mistake to use them.

How come? I’ve seen this take multiple places

Because they fail and/or oxidize. Soldered connections are what you want.

I know we’re talking multirotors here, but that’s rather a sweeping generalisation: All my fixed wing models and helis use bullet connectors between ESC and motor, and have never given any problem. And everyone uses bulltets or a variation of them to connect their battereis, again without any problem provided they’re not cheap clones of well-known brands.

With multirotors I do solder the motors to the ESCs, but that’s practical because the ESCs are easily accessible and there’s no point in wasting a bullet when I can easily access the solder pads.

I have had them fail. Both mechanically and from corrosion. With batteries there isn’t a choice.

Returning to the topic. I re-soldered and had the motor stuttering disappear (very nice). Next, I changed the Dshot settings to 600 in the parameter list + flashed ESC with BLHeli32 32.9 and now my motors won’t spin at all when clicking on motor tests. God damn

Any obvious mistakes I’m doing here?

You should probably flash the Bdshot version of firmware now before advancing. And then set the Bdshot motor mask parameter. Then post a parameter file and we’ll check it out.

You should probably flash the Bdshot version of firmware now before advancing. And then set the Bdshot motor mask parameter. Then post a parameter file and we’ll check it out.

Would that mean that I should replace my current MatekF405-TE firmware with either a) MatekF405-TE-bdshot or b) MatekF405-TE-bdshot-heli? And if so, which one of them?

You should probably flash the Bdshot version of firmware now before advancing. And then set the Bdshot motor mask parameter. Then post a parameter file and we’ll check it out.

Jesus, I feel so embarrassed saying this, but I just connected once again (with the battery), and hit the motor test. And it runs!. I must have forgot to connect the battery previously. Now I’m trying to reverse the directions. Thanks for the support so far!

Jesus, I feel so embarrassed saying this, but I just connected once again (with the battery), and hit the motor test. And it runs!. I must have forgot to connect the battery previously. Now I’m trying to reverse the directions. Thanks for the support so far!

Leaving this comment for others to find on Google. I managed to replicate the ‘error’ of non-spinning motors. When I flashed the ESC (with battery connected), I disconnected the BLHeliSuite32 configurator, but didn’t disconnect the battery from the FC and moreover didn’t disconnect the FC from my laptop via USB. I then went straight in to Mission Planer and tried to run the motor test, without having the FC and the ESC restart (which I assume is needed when flashing software).