Good evening all, I noticed while checking spinning direction that my motors are doing a twitching dance. Most of the time when I arm the motors will all spin. If I unarm and then arm again various motors just twitch. Once I give it a little gas they all seem to respond properly. But when I drop the throttle to zero the motors just twitch and don’t respect the motor spin param. This is a fresh setup and all the calibrations are complete. I made a video of how I have been able to reproduce this. Any suggestions?
have you calibrated them? What is your esc firmware and motors?
Have you already flown with it ?
What do you mean by " don’t respect the motor spin param" ?
I have calibrated the escs and they run SimonK, I don’t know which version. No flights yet, still configuring everything. What I meant was when throttle is at zero and the Pixhawk is armed the motors should spin which they currently don’t do, they twitch. Thanks for the reply.
Great suggestion ill try that this evening. I was dreading having to get new ESCs, but it may come to that. The motors are SunnySky 800kv II brand new out the box. I haven’t attached the props but ill be using 11in Gemfans.
Raising MOT_SPIN_ARMED to 100 worked. I also order a set of Bheli escs which works out well because the new ESCs are much smaller. Thanks for your help.