Motor Spin Arm - Tilt VTOL

Hey everyone,

I have a Y3 Tilt VTOL setup, and my motors are equipped with spinner folding propellers. Every time I arm the plane in VTOL mode, the propellers hit the motor boom. Is there a way to spin the motors when the tilt servo reaches 45 degrees after arming the plane ? Thank you in advance.

I don’t think there are parameters to control that. You could try using Lua to change throttle right after arming.

Are you using props that fold backwards (relative to nominal airflow)?

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Thank you for your time.

You are correct, I am using the same propeller that you mentioned.

Are there any native parameters within the Arduplane Q settings to achieve this?

None that I am aware of.
IMHO this is asking for trouble. If you ever happen to do back transition with propeller stopped you will make an impressive flip into the ground if it doesn’t spin up in time.

If you really want to have this kind of propeller I would consider having a guide rail to force the prop to open smoothly.

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You are absolutely right. I need to look into that and check for any options for a guide rail to ensure safer propeller opening.

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