Motor speed- ArduPilot 2.5 Hexa V3.2.1

I have Ardupilot 2.5 with hex firmware. How can I change parameter for the motor round. The drone do not takeoff and I think it doesn’t take the appropriate power to take off!! I am using LIPO 11.1V 3000mAh. Can you give any alternative.
Thank you

Hi Vasil

first step:

also related to other question you posted APM 2.5 hardware is limited to use Copter 3.2.x

Newer versions only run on PixHawk and above.

I already did this callibration and it still not working

Sounds like you simply don’t have enough power then. What motors props frame and how much weight do you have? Also are you sure your props are spinning in the right direction? Are you sure your motors are spinning in the right direction?

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