Motor Power Problem with Hee Wing T1 VTOL Conversion/F405-VTOL Board

I have completed a VTOL build using the Hee Wing T1 VTOL conversion kit and an F404-VTOL board. I just cannot get enough motor thrust to get more than a foot off the ground at full throttle in QSTAB mode. The wiing motors produce plenty of power in horizontal modes (for example Manual or FBWA) and draw around 35 Amps at full throttle in Manual but in quad modes I get less than 10 amps at full throttle. It seems like something is limiting the power in quad mode.

I have found a lot of settings which could limit the power but maybe I am missing something. Here are some settings I tried which did not result in any difference:

BATT_WATT_MAX=0 (I think this means, disable, but not sure)

Any other parameters which would limit the motor power in quad mode?


Hi. Check motors. I have same issue. One of motors was overheating and at end i crashed. Those heewing motors and esc are poot quality and not ready for 4s.