I’m completetly stuck.
When I plug in my 4 cell Lipo my ESC beeps 4 times and the motor twitches. This is the only sound - there is no other tone after the 4 beeps.
Opening the throttle does nothing - the motor won’t spin.
I’ve set ARMING_CHECK and ARMING_REQUIRE to zero in Mission Planner
Am I missing something?
(Paul harris)
August 9, 2016, 8:58pm
Also check you have geofence turned off as well
Does mission planner give any error indication as to why it will not ground start
Have you gone through the ESC calibration process.
(Mike Boland)
August 9, 2016, 10:50pm
This may be a silly question but are you arming the APM?
Right rudder for 4 seconds?
I asume APM because you have not mentioned the safety that PixHawk uses.