MOT_THST_EXPO is reserved?


OK, if the autopilot actually has 2MB then you should be able to load the regular Pixhawk firmware onto it (look for arducopter.apj in the linked folder). Please note though that the boards with the 1MB limit reported that they have 2MB of flash but actually only 1MB was usable. This was a hardware problem with the STM chip used.

emmm,maybe support documents need to fix and explain more than X mb :rofl:

copter was test fly indoor,here is the file link,the extract code is edwp.

I tried this a few minutes ago,FFT_ENABLE param appeared!with firmware

1 Like

Re FFT_ENABLE appearing, this must mean that you installed the Pixhawk1 firmware (not the Pixhawk1-1MB firmware).

Sorry to be pedantic but just to be clear, the difference is not related to the firmware version number (e.g. Copter-4.0-beta4 vs Copter-4.1.0-DEV) it is related to which of the Pixhawk1 firmwares was used (e.g. “Pixhawk1” vs Pixhawk1-1MB).

In any case, glad that you’ve got the FFT feature!

After a while fly and download log,I further found that there is no data in value graph check in Bwavg,but with data check in Pkavg in the latest version of MP.

@andyp1per, can you help with this?


I’ve actually never used the FFT feature but please make sure to read the relevant wiki pages. You’ve probably already done this but just to be sure.

Please post your parameters and a log
extract code kmbq

Sorry I don’t read chinese

Hi Randy

One question: is it better to use the Firmware „Pixhawk-1M“ or the firmware „fmuv2“ for a 3DR Pixhawk. What is the difference between them?



1 1980-1-1 星期二 上午 (499.2 KB) trouble you use this file

I think something like flight control unit seems different,mainly about microcontrollers etc.


It is generally better to use the more specifically named firmware (e.g. “Pixhawk1-1MB” rather than the more generic “fmuv2”) because there are cases where we can skip drivers or features not required for the board but I’m not aware of any actual difference between these two firmwares.

Pixhawk1 includes fmuv3. For those 2.4.8 boards I think this is what you want. At least it’s what I used when I had them flying. Ditched them all for F/H7 boards.

I agree with you and highly recommand firmware backup team to notice this

Looks like that’s the log file rather than the .bin file. Please can you send the .bin file - also send a dump of your parameters

I downloaded the files from is the list of relevant files,but which one is you need?2
1980-1-1 XXX.log?[1 1980-1-1 星期二 上午|attachment] (upload:// (8.9 KB)

Hi - it’s the one that ends in .bin that is not a text file

I was able to open this. It looks like its all working except that your primary frequency is around 80Hz and by default 80Hz is the default minimum so your notch is not kicking in much, so you should probably lower FFT_MIN_FREQ to 50Hz say.