Modifying telemetry radio ground module to air module

I have more ground modules than air modules and want to modify a ground module to air module by soldering 4 of the 5 wires on a DF13 5-position socket to the back of a ground module (Just above the USB). The 5-position DF13 socket is then plugged to the telemetry port of an APM controller. After powering up the APM, the green LED is solid, meaning link has been established with another radio ( with same net ID and also green solid LED) plugged to a laptop, but no blinking red LED, meaning no data transfer, as indicated by the error message " No heartbeat packets received ".
I tried switching the Tx and Rx wires, but then there is no link between the 2 units, as indicated by constant blinking of green LED.
After loading the settings in the Sik Radio page under Optional hardware, ALL the settings for the LOCAL and REMOTE units are exactly the same.
I read somewhere that the air modules are the same as the ground module except the sockets are different for connecting to PC/laptop and to flight controller.
Appreciate if anyone can share some thoughts.