About a year ago I posted that I was given a Modal AI Flight Core - and was curious about ArduPilot support for it.
Today I finally got around to hooking it up.
From some of the documentation I came across, it appears that the Flight Core is a PX4 clone. Indeed it had PX4 firmware installed. Using Qgroundcontrol I was able to install the latest version of PX4.
Then using Mission Planner, I was able to load the latest version of Copter. Mission Planner didn’t ask me any questions about what the thing was - so I seems it was able to find the right target itself.
As I recall, some versions of the firmware targets have some features deprecated due to memory limitations. Does anyone know how to tell which firmware has been installed - and how to look up what, if any, limitations it has?
Now, all I need to to find some sort of tiny copter to put it on…
For future reference Google “ardupilot hwdef”, choose the Github link and then select the board you are interested in from the list . The Hwdef directory and board specific files often contain all the answers you need.
It looks like the target is only for V1 of the Flight Core:
A new and improved V2 of the Flight Core is now offered:
I don’t know how much interest there is in this flight controller - but the V2 is a significant improvement. Is there anyway to find out if anyone is working on a target for the V2?
Also - is there a parameter or some other way to find out what target is loaded on a flight controller? It seems to me that Mission Planner says what version of copter is running when your connect - but I don’t recall that it says anything else. And when I connected to the Flight Core, I don’t recall seeing anything - maybe I missed it.
It’s there in the messages screen. I can see it in the photo you posted as Yuri said.
Unless some Dev has been given one of those boards, or someone else able and inclined to add it, then I don’t suppose anyone is working on a V2 version.