mLRS system for support/wiki(Approved)


Hardware for testing of open source long range rc/telem system with full MAVLINK compatibility

Proposal type: Hardware , Software , Other : _________________


Frsky tx module/rx + wifi module for firmware reflash to Olli’s mLRS system (wiki page added 10/15)…TX module,2x RX, 2x WIFI modules for gcs link from TX module

Planned amount $$ (USD):<$150 inc tax+shipping

Estimated time for completion:

3 weeks

to get familiar with system for support and wiki improvements concerning it


Very rewarding work, looking forward to more updates.

I now have the Matek system installed and working well. Really great having mavlink on a bluetooth link to a Toughbook.
I have an Frsky X20s radio that runs Ethos. There seems to be no specific Ethos lua to communicate with the module. Is there any chance of an opentx (etc) lua working on it?
As it uses CRSF protocol, I thought maybe the Ethos Lua for CRSF might work but it seems not.
Any advice welcome.

you can still use the CLI for configuration without the lua script.

Thanks, I have already done that but its not so convenient at the field. I was specifically enqueuing about the LUA.

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I don’t think any of the devs run an Ethos radio, so it’s not something that will be added unless someone else makes it.

you can change the settings in mission planner while connected to a flight controller, you select the radio from the mavlink device drop-down menu under the connect button in mission planner and go to all parameters.

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Can you! I didnt know that. Thanks.

Not necessarily true. Alex added Ethos support to his Yaapu telemetry.

But as you say, someone would have to put the effort in to support Ethos here, and I haven’t yet seen momentum for that.

Sorry I wasn’t talking about Ardupilot, I was meaning none of the MLRS devs run it so there is no MLRS configuration lua script for Ethos, but yes Yapuu should work in CRSF mode with Ethos. I dont think there is any difference between ELRS and MLRS as far as the yapuu script is concerned as they both use CRSF to the handset.

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