MissionPlanner SITL error

When I try to load my params to SITL heli simulation, ı got following errors:
BARO1_DEVID is marked as ReadOnly

BARO2_DEVID is marked as ReadOnly

COMPASS_DEV_ID is marked as ReadOnly

COMPASS_DEV_ID2 is marked as ReadOnly

COMPASS_DEV_ID3 is marked as ReadOnly

COMPASS_DEV_ID4 is marked as ReadOnly

COMPASS_DEV_ID5 is marked as ReadOnly

COMPASS_DEV_ID6 is marked as ReadOnly

COMPASS_OFS2_Z value is out of range. Do you want to continue?

GPS_CAN_NODEID1 is marked as ReadOnly

INS_ACC_ID is marked as ReadOnly

INS_ACC2_ID is marked as ReadOnly

INS_ACC3_ID is marked as ReadOnly

INS_GYR_ID is marked as ReadOnly

INS_GYR2_ID is marked as ReadOnly

INS_GYR3_ID is marked as ReadOnly

MIS_TOTAL is marked as ReadOnly

STAT_BOOTCNT is marked as ReadOnly

STAT_FLTTIME is marked as ReadOnly

STAT_RUNTIME is marked as ReadOnly

also here is the params I am trying to upload:

18 mayıs uçuş öncesi.param (19.6 KB)

what do I need to do fix this?

I have same problem. I try to run my heli simulation using my params too.

There’s nothing wrong with your system: These parameters are indeed read-only (e.g. STAT_RUNTIME is how long your system has been running for).

What you can do is remove these parameters from your parameter file.
But just getting the errors doesn’t cause any harm.

Also there 96 missing params too in the picture i shared. Is this also harmless?

Is missing params mean, the params ı upload is missing these parameters?

The parameter file you are trying to upload contains parameters that the firmware does not have. This can happen, especially since you are transferring parameters from a real vehicle to a simulated one.

Whether you want to better edit your parameter file to not get these warnings is up to you. But it’s not harmful as is.

Thank you for your explanations.

Thank you for helping me out as well regarding this issue, you made my day :slight_smile: