MissionPlanner GitHub repository broken?


I have been trying to clone the MissionPlanner code from https://github.com/ArduPilot/MissionPlanner. However after cloning the code, some files will show as changed directly after checkout even though it is a fresh checkout (select the changes pane to see changes).

I have also tried using command line tools, several machines (linux, pc), multiple configurations of core.autocrlf (true, false, input) but nothing seems to work.

My version of git is 2.12.0.

Has anyone else observed this problem? Is the main repository broken or have I done something wrong? Any help is much appreciated.

Best Regards,

please try checking out again. ive removed gitattributes. as it appears to have inconsistent results.

Thanks!! That seems to do the job.

BTW: What is the recommended global settings for core.autocrlf for this project?

Best Regards,