Had my first flight with the autopilot doing stabilization today, and it was awesome…rock solid in the wind.
Anyway, we started to set up a basic mission in APM planner, but all of the resources I could find show mission creation being done in Mission Planner. The interface differences make it difficult for me to be sure I am setting the mission up correctly, it’s a little nerve-racking when it’s your first time…especially when there isn’t a waypoint marked home to reassure you like mission planner appeared to have
Does anybody know if there is a similar page or video to the ones shown here: plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/common- … nd-events/ but for APM planner? If one doesn’t exist i’ll put my voice out there saying that for somebody just picking up this technology a short video of somebody showing the inns and outs of mission creation would be extremely helpful.
Thanks to everybody for their contributions to this project, I hope I can contribute back as I learn more.