Mission planning - Delay after takeoff

Hi all,
I want to plan an AUTO flight that the copter will takeoff and wait for 5 seconds before continuing the mission.
Since the takeoff command doesn’t have a delay option, I’ve set a waypoint in the same coordinates as the home.
The UAV takeoff and waits for 5 seconds but changes the heading to 180

How can I fix the heading during takeoff? (I do want to change heading during the mission)
Or, how can I set a delay after takeoff without affecting the UAV heading?


With the Delay command.

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Hi @danielm1199,

Thanks for the report. I wonder if you’re actually seeing the vehicle turn 180degrees or is it just from the “AZ” field that you think it will turn?

In any case, @dkemxr’s suggestion should work.

I saw the vehicle turn 180 degrees.
After I set 0 in the LAT LONG the problem was solved.

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Hi @danielm1199,

OK great. That makes sense, thanks so much for the feedback!