Mission Planner Warning Manager is not feasible to use


Refer to below video.

[1] What I want to do :

We are operating VTOLs on moving ships. Transition distance standard is 300m(it can be variable due to circumstances.)
and if aircraft entered 300m distance it should be reported by GCS operator to external pilot.


First, I tried with below setting :

I set Trigger as “350.00” and Comparison as “EQ”.

So I expected when the aircraft coming in 350.00 meters it should report.

but there is no report!!!

I guess why this happens, and it should be modified next version in mission planner.

this function is not feasible to use.


I tried below settings also.

So I expected it should report at 350.00m,

but it reports at 300m, Its response speed is very slow.


and I want to report 400, 350, 300 meteres, and there is no “A <= x <= B” option here.

It is very inconvinient.

Does anyone have solution for this?

Does anyone have idea for this?

You can easily get that functionality you want via a small plugin or a lua script onboard, 10 lines max.
Or you can use nested warnings but need a lot’s of them to get the warnings that you need.


Always thank you for your wisdom.

I already have plugin in mission planner and GCS have limited CPU power, So Im worrying about adding new plugin that I coded, but I will try plugin or lua script.

Thank you.

for CPU usage a specific plugin is better than a bunch of nested warnings in the warnings manager.

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Thank you.

Is there simple function or class property that I can make my misson planner to say “300m”?

if (MainV2.speechEnable)
MainV2.speechEngine.SpeakAsync(“Looking up the source code is always faster…”);

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