Mission Planner updates

No Mission Planner updates since June 2019, anyone knows the reason?

the beta is updated 2-3 times a week.

I’m sorry but updates should be here? http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/MissionPlanner/
I can’t find betas here :frowning:

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Simply use the button on the bottom of the Help screen. The large one that say “Check for BETA Updates”. Press it…

The betas you need to track on GitHub. I only do changelog updates for release versions

Because of Plane V4.01 release and new functions, a new MP version should be released…

Beta versions are released often to address these issues. Just hit the Check for Beta Updates.

Yes this is true, but I don’t understand why a stable version is not released for so long when before this was weekly or monthly.:thinking:

there has been some large changes recently. and alot of testing needs to go into making sure it hasn’t had and negative effects.

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