Mission Planner to Mission Planner or Mavproxy over 4G connection

Hi All,

I’m looking for a little assistance on setting up Mavlink Mirror or similar for a connection over 4G, which I am hoping to tunnel for a TCP connection between two PCs running Mission Planner. Unless there is an easier way. Always open to other ideas.

As an overview, we have SIK radio which we use for connection between Mission Planner and the Rover (Survey boat). But as the range gets further from the base station, we are looking to have a 4G connection as an option. The boat has a survey PC onboard (Small NUC) and has a 4G connection to manage the survey acquisition during the survey via VNC. So seems sensible to have a 2nd version of mission planner running on that PC too.

What we would like to do is have mission planner or mavproxy running on the NUC which we can connect to from the ground station as the range gets further.

Any help would be much appreciated, even if it points me in the direction of a guide for further reading. My networking knowledge is pretty limited.


What you’re looking for is “MAVLink forwarding”, where the GCS on the NUC will forward the MAVLink telemetry to another GCS.

Both Mission Planner and MAVProxy can do this:

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Or you can put a small mavlink router on the NUC and build a topology on that. I had a good experience with Intel’s Mavlink Router GitHub - mavlink-router/mavlink-router: Route mavlink packets between endpoints and with MavP2P GitHub - bluenviron/mavp2p: flexible and efficient Mavlink router

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