Mission planner stopped working on WinXP Laptop

Hi all

Having issues with Mission Planner on my WinXP laptop.

It did work fine but after latest update I now get a c:\programs\Mission Planner\MissionPlanner.exe is not a valid Win32 application

Have they taken WinXP support out on the latest version, or how do I fix the issue.



So after digging out the older version and re-installing it I can confirm

Version 1.3.34 works under WinXP

Version 1.3.37 does not work under WinXP


I noticed in the last 2 release notes for MP that something about XP support was being dropped…so that’s probably it.

windows xp does not support .net 4.5
which mission planner is now using.

there is less than 5% of users using xp.