Mission Planner hangs on "Getting params" when connecting throught TBS Crossfire Bluetooth Mavlink

For what is worth i had the exact same problem and that was the reason i quit using it. I emailed them and they said it was a known issue and would be solved in future firmware releases. Since then a lot of firmware have been released but i still have same problem. I do not use it anymore.

Their recent release notes would certainly suggest it is being worked on.

I have noticed that crossfire quite heavily rate limits telemetry data, silently dropping packets it hasn’t got the bandwidth to send. But that makes sense for something designed for RC.

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I am having the same problem. Crossfire packet loss reported at about 80% regardless of GCS. Parameter upload unreliable, too. Any news on this?

I have the same issue with the latest firmware. Any updates?


I asked TBS, and they came back saying that this is ‘normal’. Yes, a somewhat bizarre response. I pressed them further but that was all I got.

Hello, some solution has been found for upstream telemetry problems, I am using the latest stable version, and although a few days ago it worked fine, with some hang up, but at least it worked with Mission Planner, but now it has stopped working, and now I can’t open the Mission Planner.

It is important to understand that TBS Crossfile IS NOT A TELEMETRY RADIO. It only providing a very asymmetric and slow datalink.
Mavlink, especially with Mission Planner (or any other GCS software) does not work reliably on such links. You need at approx 32kbit/s symmetrical datalink for acceptable user experience.

I don‘t want to doubt your opinion, but:
Generally, I‘m using Crossfire with mavlink telemetry on Ardupilot for years (since 2016 I think), without any bigger problems. And I‘m pretty satisfied with it. It‘s easy, cheap, lightwight, and in our case, very reliable till now.We are flying with flir and rededge equipped copters in industrial and agritechnical settings.

The Bluetooth coupling with Win10 sometimes is a drama, but coupling Crossfire to a Pi0 and routing mavlink to wifi works without problems.
At the moment we are testing to substitude the Pi0 with an ESP32, and this also seems to work quite desent. But here longterm experiences are missing yet.


We all have opinions and of course we respects other’s opinions. Just like I do respects yours.
If it works up to your expectations, that is good.

I still believe that the SX1278 LORA chip used by TBS is simply not capable to reach speeds that provides a good experience with Mission Planner or QGC. A low update rate basic telemetry will work just fine, but 5Hz full telemetry (which is by default used by MP) will not.

All I can say is, that last year, we used Mission Planner quite extensivly on our missions. We flew lots of missions with 80-150 waypoints, without serious problems. Maybe, not with full 5(? not shure)Hz telemetry, but never the less very usable.

In my observations, the bluetooth part seems to be more problematic than the lora transmission itself. For some time, I had lots pf problems connecting Crossfire directly to Win10. So I gave up this and used a alternative solution (I always have a ground wifi running, so it is easy to route the mavlink from Crossfire to the wifi).
I was curious and tested the Crossfire - Bluetooth - Win10 - connection recently again on the desk, and it seems to work now. But I did not any tests „live“.

But for example, I never had any problems in parameter download or waypoint transfer, as others here in this thread.


Just curious if it is possible to have two way telemetry on TBS tango2?


Hi mate. I’m having issues as well. bluetooth works fine though my qgroundcontrol wont connect. I was wondering how your wiring is that goes to the telem port on the pixhawl 2.1 to the receiver? I set serial port 2 = mavlink 1 and mavlink 2 and the issue is the same.

Hi Stefan,

I came across your reply while I was searching for possible solution on my project.
If you are still keeping record of this script,
Could I have guide to your solution?
