Mission Planner Geotagger will not read log. Plane 3.6

Just upgraded to 3.6 and flew a photo mission. Mission Planner gives the following error. Log file attached.

Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hmg3bcdyo47br4x/14.BIN?dl=0

How many pics?

What version of MP?

Hey Tim,

55 photos
Mission Planner 1.3.38 Build 1.1.5983.12141

Flew another mission just to double check. Same problem. Here’s a link to a new log and the photos from the mission: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgb51u2gi8diiu8/6192016.zip?dl=0

Pix4D can use the log file to geotag the images. Miusion Planner won’t.

Can anybody geotag images with APM Plane 3.6 and Mission Planner?



Yeah, something is DEFINITELY jacked up with the 3.6 log file on the .bin file from 6/19/16. Attempted with several versions of MP, and the second step, it aborts.

Any ideas?

I have the same issue.

please try the latest beta MP.

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Yep, that fixed it. Thanks!!

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