I am setting up a new fixed wing build using Mission Planner 1.3.74. I installed ArduPlane V4.0.9 on a Pixracer R15.
During setup, when attempting to set the flight modes in “Setup > Mandatory Hardware > Flight Modes” or “Config > Flight Modes”, the drop down menus only have the option “INITIALISING”.
I also tried setting the flight modes directly in the “Full Parameter List” and then writing the new parameters. The parameters saved and show up when I cycle power. However, when I go to the HUD, the flight mode is listed as “UNKNOWN”.
Another Update: I thought everything was working and now I am experiencing the same issue again. Things I’ve done since it was working:
Set “SERVO1_FUNCTION” = 77 and "SERVO2_FUNCTION = 78 to set up as a flying wing
Calibrated LEVEL
Calibrated ESCs
When I reconnected after calibrating the ESCs, the flight mode on the HUD displayed as “Unknown”. I checked the configuration tab and again only “INITIALISING” is listed under the flight mode drop downs. I tried “param gen” and that didn’t work. Any thoughts?
Having the same issue. I deleted the mission planner folder from the my documents folder and reinstalled MP. This fixed it for a few days but the issue is back.
Update: I set the flight modes directly using the full parameter list. I have been able to successfully fly in the set modes (Manual, FBWA, RTL), but the mode still displays as “Unknown” on the HUD. This leads me to believe it’s a bug in Mission Planner because the flight controller knows which mode I am setting with my transmitter.
Same here. The modes return if I delete the mission planner folder from the my documents folder. You have to reset the presets and joysticks files(if you use one).
I am seeing this issue in the Mission Planner latest version 1.3.77. When I load MP ver 1.3.74 using copter 4.1.5 I can see the flight modes ion Mission planner.
I am having the issue too, same versions of MP and AP except on a rover set up. All works fine on the config screen. All values as should be but doesnt change on the HUD. As I am early in my set up, driving thru the FC is still on the horizon A distant one it seems.