Mission Planner Error on touch screen laptop


mission planner is installed on my rugged laptop GCS.

when I touch it to zoom in or zoom out, I get below error message :

it says “System.OverflowException : Value was either too large or too small for an Int32”

is there any solution for this?

manually zoom in or out using typing number on zoom index is possible

I couldn’t report this error on report screen but if someone need I can reproduce error and report

This problem persists.

Post in Ground Control Software>Mission Planner

Thanks. I changed category to mission planner.

The problem still persists.

I get this error too, but not because of touch screen. When i open Full Parameter List, i dont see any parameters so i try to refresh params. After a short loading, i get this error message. I’m new to Mission Planner so any suggestions would help.

I disabled the touch function on my laptop and solved the problem.

I’m sorry I couldn’t help with your issue, but it would be better if you attached your error message and provided more details. Your question is too vague.