Could it be that I have a bad current sensor?
It could - measure the voltage on the current pin, start unplugging things and find where that voltage is coming from.
Sorry Im really confused as to why I would be measuring the voltage from the current pin. And also do you want me to measure this from the harness coming from the Mauch power cube?
The electrical current is changed to a voltage which directly relates to current being used.
Higher current = higher voltage
By measuring that voltage you can establish is it working as it should or is there a problem.
Ok so I am a big moron. Apparently I had the current sensing harness with the yellow and white wires coming out of power 2 on the Mauch cube going into the power 1 on the pixhawk, yikes! Switched them around and whatta ya know? Mission planner now shows the battery voltage. xfacta & Karl, thanks for the time trying to help me solve this issue.
Yeah sometimes a photo or two can show something that might be an obvious issue that someone can spot.
3.3v on the “current” pin of the flight controller would indicate about 100 amps current flow through the sensor - which is what it was showing in that screenshot. That’s why I suggested measuring what is really on that pin and tracing it backwards from the flight controller.
Dont be shy about putting in the other battery failsafe parameters I specified, they are quite essential.