Mission Planner crasches after update

Where do I found what version of Mission Planner suits which version of Windows?
I run Mission Planner on Windows 7 (well, not now after update), Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Is it possible to run the latest Mission Planner (and the recommended or latest .NET, and DirectX) on Windows 7 Pro? Have worked fine until I updated MP. It crashes on startup, white windows, no error message. Where can I find a log? Old laptop yes, but its slim and practical (Samsung 900X) than the newer ones. I have tried several versions between the old one and the latest, no one works.

Make sure you have the latest windows updates. The dot net updates

Latest updates on Windows, latest .NET (4.8), latest Mission Planner.
Have uninstalled Mission Planner, deleted all I could find, also in the registry, installed a fresh installation.
Inactivated the antivirus-software.
It still crashes with white windows.
I have used several hours on this now.
I shouldnt had updated Mission Planner, all worked fine before.

can you post a screenshot or similar? just need to get an idea if its running at all.

Hi again,

(SOLVED! If you read the sentence below the images… :wink: )

This is a while later… status today:

  • Latest Windows 7-updates (Pro 64-bit 6.1 build 7601)
  • User is in Administrators group (not as the Administrator)
  • All users full rights to …\MissionPlanner-folder
  • Latest .NET (4.8)
  • Latest DirectX 11 (no problems reported in dxdiag)
  • Latest Mission Planner 1.3.70 build 1.3.7277.34800
  • McAfee 8.8 antivirus Off

I have also tried to disable Digital Driver Signing.

It still crashes. Ctrl + Alt + Del and stop any of the two processes (Mission Planner).

Three screenshots

  • One during startup (its fast, some problems there, any log somewhere?)
  • One “zoomed in” on the startup-logging because it seems the editor resizes down the image
  • One after it has crashed (the “white one”)

Then I tested with a new Windows profile… and it all works. :wink: