When I try to start listening on a UDP port, sometimes MP refuses, saying the port is already in use. netstat shows nothing for UDP. Restarting MP has no effect. Even restarting Windows doesn’t always solve the problem. This seems to happen with port 14550 specifically.
There’s got to be something very simple I’m missing.
It appears that as soon as MP starts, it opens a number of ports, including 14550 and 14551. I wonder if there is some bit of persistent data that tells it to open these specific ports (I’ve used both previously), and then it tries to open them again. Using 1.3.74 (build 1.3.7563.27684)
Thank you, @Michael_Oborne. I’m not sure how this is supposed to work. I have Ardupilot running on a Linux board, sending UDP packets to gcs:14550. MP comes up, it shows the connection icon as disconnected. I click “connect,” it asks me about the port, I say 14550, then it says it can’t because the socket is already bound. What should i be doing instead?
Just FYI, if someone sees this on Windows systems, I had a problem with Mission Planner not auto detecting the ESP8266mod wireless, and all params looked correct. I turned on the help → show console window, and MP said that another program was listening on 14550. I pulled up the task manager, and turns out a zombie windows MP had been running, probably since yesterday. I ended it, restarted MP and it detected the wireless module no problem. Hope this helps if you run into the same issue.
I’ve had interesting and somewhat successful experiences with RC and bi-directional MAVLink over WiFi with the latest Backpack firmware over the last weekend.
MP connected to internet via ethernet, connect to backpack’s AP via WiFi adapter. UDP 14550 connects and works a charm.
[Just for background - QGC connected to internet via ethernet, backpack connected to home network. (if MP is already running, QGC complains port 14550 is protected. Stop MP and QGC connects). Connect via MP from Chromebook, QGC from iPhone, QGC from Android Phone when backpack connected to home network. BTW, none of the above work when connected directly to the backpack AP.]
MP connected to internet via ethernet, backback connected to home network. UDP 14550 fails port already in use.
MP connected to internet via wifi to home network, backback connected to home network. UDP 14550 fails port already in use.
MP connected to internet via ethernet and wifi to home network, backback connected to home network. UDP 14550 fails port already in use.