Mission Planner Autonomous Mission Drone ascends out of control in RTL

I am using a HolyBro x500 V2 Drone with Pixhawk 6C and I am trying to do an autonomous mission through mission planner.
I set it up to takeoff to altitude of 1m and then go a few feet forward and then come back to the original point and land.
When I ran it, the drone ascended to around 1m and went to the first location, but then instead of going back to the initial location, the drone just ascends straight up into the air. The most I have seen it go was 13m before I switched to manual control and landed it.
I suspect the issue is because of excess vibration going into the flight controller because I haven’t used the foam tape yet because I wanted to be able to remove it. How can I check if it is actually the vibrations?
Also are there any other issues that might be causing this?

If you used RTL it would rise to RTL Alt.
But in any case if you want help post a link to a .bin flight log.

well before RTL I added a waypoint that would make it go back to the same coordinates as the takeoff point at an altitude of 1m. Also why would the RTL altitude be so far up in the air?
Here is the bin log from that flight, It does not let me upload the file directly as it says the size is too big but I have uploaded it to google drive: Autonomous Flight Log


please refer here. your copter will rise to 15m if RTL is activated below that.