I am having trouble getting changes to APM Plane 3.3 Parameter SR0_Extra1 to stick when changed through Mission Planner (Latest Firmware and Mission Planner). It feels like this:
[ul]APM USB connected to laptop / Mission Planner[/ul]
[ul]I can change SR0_Extra1 from 6 to 10 from the Full Parameter Tree, and can see the change on Refresh[/ul]
[ul]I change the Telemetry Rate under Planner menu for Attitude to match at 10 (which should map to Extra1 if doco is correct); note it doesn’t follow the underlying change (and vice versa - they don’t seem linked)[/ul]
[ul]Then I disconnect and connect and find that SR0_Extra1 has been reset to 6, the Telemetry Rate under planner is also back at 6, and SRO_Extra2 has been pushed to 10 (I am only 95% confident this last part is repeatable)[/ul]
[ul]Same behaviour whether I have the APM Reset ( on USB connect) under Planner ticked or not[/ul]
I am not overly familiar with how this all hangs together and will keep exploring - but almost feels like there may be a coding slip between Extra1 and Extra2; or I am doing something wrong.
After submitting this I also posted similar under github/diydrones - happy for this to be deleted if it shouldn’t be in both places.