I have been testing my hexcopter with a Pixhawk 2.4.8 (probably a clone) and when flying in auto mode I notice that the vehicle starts flying towards the next waypoint before it yaws to face that waypoint.
Is this normal behavior?
I have been testing my hexcopter with a Pixhawk 2.4.8 (probably a clone) and when flying in auto mode I notice that the vehicle starts flying towards the next waypoint before it yaws to face that waypoint.
Is this normal behavior?
Yes it is. I have a PR that changes it. Are you willing to copile it yourself and test experimental code? I tested it in Simulation and a friend tested it on a real vehicle already.
There was never a reference standard Pixhawk 2.4.8. So “clone” has no meaning with these Flight Controllers.
Sorry. I merely reported what is labeled on the FC.