Mission and fencing is confusing

The only behavior I see is expected and I see no issue either with the Simulator or connected to a Flight Controller.

I think what is not understood is that when you click the dropdown mission for example, what is displayed is what is in the FC, not on the MP screen. Likewise for the Fence dropdown. It doesn’t matter what is on the display, when the fdence dropdown is pressed, the FC fence is displayed. So to clear the fence, you must clear the fence display, then do a write to clear what is in the FC. Now, it doesn’t matter what dropdowns you push, there is no fence.

So, if the FC mission has a square shaped mission loaded and you load a triangle mission from your disk, then when youj go to fence and back to mission, the square is displayed, not the triangle as you might have expected.

Like most things, once there is understanding, things seem to work out. This action is not very clear in the documentation and must be found by experimentation.

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