I’m concerned about the potential loss of my copter and VTOLs while operating them in the sea.
In the event of a crash in the deep sea, my only option would be to rely on the .tlog file since accessing the aircraft’s USB port and obtaining the .bin log file may not be possible.
Nevertheless, there have been instances when the .tlog file was not recorded, even though the .bin file was recorded correctly.
I’m curious to understand the reasons behind this occasional failure to record the .tlog file.
Look closer, if your vehicle has multiple components it may be sorted into a different folder. Sort all files by name in all folders in the log directory and look for the correct date.
Have noticed this recently. Have made LOG_FILE_BUFSIZE = 16 was previously 200 and that seemed to have helped somehow. Also adjusting LOG_MAV_BUFSIZE can help.
Hey folks, hoping I was on to something but Eosbandi confirmed it was a dead end. A few more test flights today and the same issue, no useful .tlogs were generated. I searched my PC and the .tlogs generated were very short and didn’t capture much of the flight at all. Not all logs were created for each flight. I have a strong telemetry signal and I can visually see telemetry in live view on the HUD. I’m using CubePilot Orange+. I have notch filtering active and the platform is flying sweet. What is happening here??? I had never experienced this previously.
Can one of you guys generate a MissionPlanner.log for a session where tlogs are not generated ?
Go to C:/ProgramData/MissionPlanner folder (its a hidden folder !)
delete all MissionPlanner.log* files
start Mission Planner, do a flight, check that tlog files are indeed not generated
Send all new MissionPlanner.log files from the folder above.
While you are connected to the vehicle, check that there is a zero-byte-length tlog and rlog file in the Documents/MissionPlanner/logs folder.
Log files are generated in the logs folder and moved to the folder structure by vehicle type/sysid/board number after the connection is closed.