Missing signals in Log files depending on computer(!)

i am running an APM2.5 with “log all signals” switched on at the onboard logger.

After downloading, when i open a logfile on my “airfield laptop”, all existing signals (eg. BarAlt, Motor1) can be inspected. This behaviour can be seen either on Mission Planner 1.2.98 (Oborne) or the APM Planner v2.0.7.
Now the intersting effect, at home:
I load all the files via USB stick, local copy, on my “desktop computer” and start the APM planner there: Motor 1 is the same signal like on the “airfield laptop”, but there is just a zero signal shown for the BarAlt.
At all, it is nearly 20% of the (always same) signals that miss and read just “zero”.

Do i have any information being saved during tuning my copter, on the “airfield laptop” that show any parametrisation of sensors, and what is needed to complete the signal information to become “readable signal values”?

Thanks a lot, any help is good help!

Greetings, Hans-Jochen

I found out that ALL of the signals are available in the Log Browser of Michael Oborne´s version of the MP. When browsing in the DIYDrones-Mission Planner, several signals cannot be displayed, i suppose its a matter of the data format (comma, point, etc.)

It would be nice if this could be solved in a later version of the APM. Probaby i open an issue when i found out what would be good way of solving this failure.

Greetings, Hans-Jochen

You need to be precise in your descriptions.
There is no Osborne version and DIYD version of Mission Planner!

There is the software named “Mission Planner” which was written and is maintained by Michael Osborne
=> github.com/diydrones/MissionPlanner

And there is the software named “APM-Planner2” which evolved from QGroundControl and is maintained by Bill Bonney
=> github.com/diydrones/apm_planner

There were some compatibility issues with some files in APM-Planner 2 but those should have been fixed meanwhile. If your problem is with that software, please try updating to the latest version.

If your problems persist through an update, please open a bug report:
If with Mission Planner: github.com/diydrones/MissionPlanner/issues
If with APM-Planner 2: github.com/diydrones/apm_planner/issues

Hello Stefan,

Thanks for your answer!
I thought of working out a very detailed issue and contact both developers after changing my copter frame to a more stable one.
In my opinion, both MPs have specific benefits and should be supported.

Greetings, Hans-Jochen

Ok, I was just trying to figure out, about what exactly you are talking, to understand the issue you are describing :slight_smile:.

Please post the log file as that will help with a fix