Missing Landing Gear Options on Pixhawk with 3.3


I need some help getting my retractable Landing Gear working.

I’m using a Pixhawk with AC 3.3 Stable Hexa Firmware on it and I followd this Page to get my Landing Gear working: copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/landing-gear/

I used RC9 Function for AUX1 and wanted to set it to CH8 Option.

But I’m missing some essential things in my parameter List in Misson Planner, wich is version 1.3.32 btw.

on the RC Functions is no “29: Landing Gear” listed and for CH7/CH8 option I just can choose down to “Relay On/Off”, there is no such thing as Landing Gear listed.

Also in the CH7/8_OPTION on the Parameter List is no option listet for the Landing Gear.

I found out it also need to be Number 29 too, so I set it manually, but it doesn’t work at all.

For now I just used the output of my X8R to retract the Landing gear.

Can someone help me, or explain me what I did wrong?

The missing drop-down issues on Mission Planner certainly sounds like the mission planner is out of date. If you could try updating to the latest version it should work (the “check for updates” button is on the Help page).

I think Rob Lefebvre will drop in here and help with the landing gear setup.


As Randy said, the fact that the options don’t show in the parameter list, is a Mission Planner issue. Please try updating to the latest version.

In the meantime, if you set both CH8_OPT to 29, and RC8_FUNCTION to 29, this will work. Please try again. If it’s not working, I’m going to need to get a log from you where you’re attempting to actuate the gear to see what is going on.

This function definitely works once you have the settings right.

Just another idea, but could you also try setting the LGR_SERVO_DEPLOY to 1900 and LGR_SERVO_RETRACT to 1100. Perhaps you landing gear controller is looking for PWM on the extreme limits?

I got the landing gear working after updating to a MP Beta (the Option No. 29 was shown then) and the LGR_Retract and Deploy options to 1100 and 1900 helped.

What I think is a little strange, is the fact that it works exactly in the opposit way then It was working directly on Channel 8 of my Reciver. But It works and I’m very happy about it.

Is there any plan on a height dependend deploy and retract?

What do you mean they operate the opposite way? The PWM for up/down is reversed?

The automatic retract/deploy is going to be tricky. The only way I can see it working properly, is if the user has a rangefinder attached.

[quote=“Rob_Lefebvre”]What do you mean they operate the opposite way? The PWM for up/down is reversed?

The automatic retract/deploy is going to be tricky. The only way I can see it working properly, is if the user has a rangefinder attached.[/quote]

Yes, it is excatly reversed then it was when I connected it directly to the X8R.

And about automatic, something like “ok, you are now 2m higher then at arming, retract”

I think deploying automatic would be little bit harder but automatic retract and manual deploy (if not in RTL oder Land) would be find for most users.

Yes, knowing that we are 2m higher than at arming might work but it’s still possible to have a false positive due to air pressure effects.

The other problem is, in my experience, making a landing gear mode “automatic” without having it work really well (ie: retract and deploy, with high reliability) is worse than not having it at all. Even if we write in the wiki that the Automatic mode retracts the gear but does not automatically deploy it, some people will not read, and land without the gear being automatically deployed, and then criticize us for that.

I might be interested in an automatic mode where it obeys MAVlink commands set forth in a mission.

[quote=“Rob_Lefebvre”]Yes, knowing that we are 2m higher than at arming might work but it’s still possible to have a false positive due to air pressure effects.

The other problem is, in my experience, making a landing gear mode “automatic” without having it work really well (ie: retract and deploy, with high reliability) is worse than not having it at all. Even if we write in the wiki that the Automatic mode retracts the gear but does not automatically deploy it, some people will not read, and land without the gear being automatically deployed, and then criticize us for that.

I might be interested in an automatic mode where it obeys MAVlink commands set forth in a mission.[/quote]

Ok this makes sense, better no automatic then a problematic automatic :slight_smile:

for you info, I have a Tarot TL65B44 Small Electric Retractable Landing and I just figured out that the values for Retract and Deploy need to be changed, I was wondering yesterday why the LG was not deploying in RTL mode.

This one Deploys at LOW PWM and Retracts at HIGH PWM. I’ve seen another post here from a guy with the same problem and he need to invert the LGR Deploy and Retract values also.

I don’t know how other LG’s work but Tarot seems to work this way. That was the problem what I said that it works in the opposite way when it was connectet to my X8R Reciver directly.