Misbehaviour of drone due to GPS glitch

i was flying the drone and it responded good for my commands i have sprayed 10 acres till morning, After this when i take off my drone it took altitude without my commands and it went roll right and left without any commands, when i checked my log i have observed GPS glitch can anyone help me why did this glitch appear what is the reason and how should i over come it.log file

Glitches are caused by electromagnetic interference:

- Caused by RF transmitters and USB3.x devices
- Caused by solar flares from the Sun.

Most of these factors you can not control.

What you can control is the quality of your GNSS receiver and antenna. Get better ones and it should help a bit.

From practical experience: what can also cause gnss glitches are fuel powered inverter generators. It seems that some of them make a lot of em noise in their direct surroundings. Typically during takeoff or landing.

That log does not show any crash at all.

I do see default PIDs and lack of tuning, plus some important parameters that need attention:


The copter will benefit from setting up the Harmonic notch filter and running Autotune (without any payload)
and you could set