Minimum distance for GPS/compass from motors etc

From the terminal window try this way:

magfit_WMM.exe --el --reduce 10 <path and logfile>

OK thanks. Itā€™ll have to be tomorrow now.

My mistake. I returned to my laptop today and realised that the log that I was trying to analyse yesterday was only 1-minute long, which means it was a test flight I made in one orientation only just to check the vibe data.

Today I selected most of the AltHld part of the log from a flight I made with many deliberate 360 degree turns:-

Running MagFix on this graph worked correctly and gave me what look like sensible parameters to load into my hexcopter:

My only question now is, why did it not work on the shorter log file? Was it because it couldnā€™t find any change of orientation during the flight?

I donā€™t know. Iā€™m curious if someone who understands the code could say, but thereā€™s probably something to it. Especially if it worked for you on a full test flight. Glad to hear you got it working.

Iā€™ve successfully run MagFit on three helis and one hexacopter now. For one of my helis though (TRex 550 with scale fuselage) MagFit generated a number for COMPASS_OFS_Z which is greater than what MP thinks should be normal ā€“ 409 compared with MPā€™s normal range up to 400. MP allowed me to input and save it as 409, but Iā€™m wondering if that means my compass was badly calibrated in the first place even though the heli was PosHld-ing without any toilet-bowling or drifting.

I hate to ā€˜fixā€™ things that are working, but should I re-calibrate my compass, and then fly and do MagFit again? Or is the large number simply something to do with the location of the compass in the heli?