Can you build Mission Planner with VS 2019?
Yes you can, I have e 2017 and 2019 installed for testing g
hi, i have vs 2017 and vs2019 as well. i had no errors cloning from the dos cmd prompt using git clone but when i opened the solution in VS2019 i get 237 warnings.
most of them are either Mission Planner, Xamarin.uwp, ("Please check that your nuget package versions are compatible and also;
- "the parent file, ‘configserialinjectgps.cs’ for file ‘configserialinjectgps.cs’ cannot be found.
- Possible unintended reference comparison; to get a value comparison, cast the left hand side to type ‘string’
- Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed. Consider applying the ‘await’ operator to the result of the call.
- Unreachable code detected
i went to manage packages for solution and searched and installed everything the began xarmarin.andoid and did the updates but i still have over 200 warnings/erors
what am i doing wrong, Please Help.
i tried vs 2017. i get 8 red errors and 43 warnings. i followed the directions at building mission planner with visual studio. is there an updated page for vs 2019 as well as vs 2017 ? some of the errors in vs2017 are shown below;
Severity | Code | Description | Project | File | Line | Suppression State |
Error | CS0006 | Metadata file ‘C:\MissionPlanner2017\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\Xamarin\Xamarin\bin\Release\netstandard2.0\Xamarin.dll’ could not be found | Xamarin.iOS | C:\MissionPlanner2017\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\Xamarin\Xamarin.iOS\CSC | 1 | Active |
|Severity|Code|Description|Project|File|Line|Suppression State|
|Warning|NU1605|Detected package downgrade: System.Net.NameResolution from 4.3.0 to 4.0.0. Reference the package directly from the project to select a different version. Xamarin.UWP -> Xamarin -> MissionPlanner.Utilities -> log4net 2.0.8 -> System.Net.Sockets 4.1.0 -> 4.3.0 -> System.Net.NameResolution (>= 4.3.0) Xamarin.UWP -> Xamarin -> MissionPlanner.Utilities -> log4net 2.0.8 -> System.Net.NameResolution (>= 4.0.0)|Xamarin.UWP|C:\MissionPlanner2017\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\Xamarin\Xamarin.UWP\Xamarin.UWP.csproj|1||
|Severity|Code|Description|Project|File|Line|Suppression State|
|Severity|Code|Description|Project|File|Line|Suppression State|
|Error|CS0246|The type or namespace name ‘OpenTK’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)|Xamarin|C:\MissionPlanner2017\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\Xamarin\Xamarin\GMap.NET.WindowsForms\GMapControl.cs|5|Active|
|Severity|Code|Description|Project|File|Line|Suppression State|
|Warning||The parent file, ‘ConfigSerialInjectGPS.cs’, for file ‘MainV2.Designer.cs’ cannot be found in the project file.|MissionPlanner||||
|Warning|CS0109|The member ‘AGauge.AutoSize’ does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required.|Xamarin|C:\MissionPlanner2017\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\Xamarin\Xamarin\Controls\AGauge.cs|148|Active|
thank you in advance
this one is odd [in vs2017];
Severity | Code | Description | Project | File | Line | Suppression State |
Error | CS0006 | Metadata file ‘C:\MissionPlanner2017\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\Xamarin\Xamarin\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\Xamarin.dll’ could not be found | Xamarin.UWP | C:\MissionPlanner2017\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\Xamarin\Xamarin.UWP\CSC | 1 | N/A |
compile just missionplanner, not build all.
the other option is still install the other VS modules, like mobile/web/net core.