Memory issues in v2.0.12


First my computer hardware:
I’m on a 64-bit ubuntu 12.10, cpu i7 1.6 GHz * 8 with 4 GB ram.

MP package that I’m running on:
I’m installing the debian packages.

The issues I’m seeing:
I don’t know what you changed since 2.0.11 but that version was lightning fast to start up. Less than 5 sec on my Ubuntu 12.10.

The new version 2.0.12 just hangs on the splash screen, loading user interface. Seems like it swallows all availabale memory on my machine. I don’t have a top screenshot of it simply because I can’t tab between programs while starting MP(computer freeze and hang eventually runs out of memory and the desktop manager crashes).

What have changed in the user interfaces?

Let me know if I can help any further.


you need to do a clean build. And for each major release you always need a clean build.

By clean u mean not an update but a complete fresh install? First I went with the update. When that didnt work I did a reinstall. Had same effect. Maybe I didnt remove all the old folders and files. Cant remember now. I will re do it.

You mentioned you were installing from the debian packages, which one did you use? Can you upload your log files? They’re in /home//apmplanner2/log.txt, log.txt.1, etc.

O.K I got the latest version to work as expected now. What I had to do was completely remove everything with sudo apt-get purge aplmplanner2 prior to install the new version. Manually removed the aplmplanner2 folder in my /user/home dir. Now it starts in less then 6 sec.

I’m installing the versions from here:

I use the debian packages because there is a conflict with libudev1 and my version(12.04.4 LTS) of ubuntu which prevents the installation on my machine. The debian packages works flawless on my machine since ubuntu is built on that foundation.
