Memory - Auto Trim

I have performed the Auto Trim function to stabilize my quad, and read that the trim values are saved to EEPROM. I am also attempting to customize certain parts of the code and upload via the Arduino IDE. If I upload new code will the Auto Trim values be overwritten, or are they saved to a more permanent part of memory?


It seems that it does not matter because I can save my parameter list after trim. I can then upload my custom code, and write my tuned parameters (just in the case they were overwritten) back via the mission planner.

I would still appreciate any enlightenment regarding what goes in flash and what goes in EEPROM on the APM.


Found it:

The trim values are saved to the AHRS_TRIM_X and AHRS_TRIM_Y parameters and as long as your arduino program doesn’t blast the eeprom, then any changes to the firmware should not affect the params. I.e. they should still be there when you reload the APM:Copter firmware.