Maybe I found a gimbal control bug

When I was debugging the STORM32BGC gimbal, I set channel 11 to the YAW axis control of the gimbal (the same thing happened with PITCH). This caused the gimbal’s rotation to be not smooth. And my channel 11 was not assigned to the gimbal’s retraction and extension control. When I mapped the channel to 13, everything was normal. Here are my parameters and video

20240625-奋斗者.param (22.2 KB)

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And what radio setup are you using? ELRS by any chance?

I am using ELRS, but with 12MIX mode enabled, which means the 11th channel is also a free channel with 11 data bits

Hello, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Mapping channel 11 to YAW caused issues, but channel 13 worked fine. Check for conflicts or signal issues on channel 11. Ensure it’s not used by another function.

Okay, I found the problem. It is due to the close proximity of the RC11-MAX and RC11-MIN settings of channel 11 to 1500